Article Withdrawal Policy

General Policy

Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security (NJISS) expects from our authors to comply with the best practice of the publication ethics as well as the quality of their articles.

Authors are requested to decide before submitting, the number of authors, and the order of authors and authorship contributions of a paper before submitting the manuscript. Ideally, these should be decided even before beginning to write the manuscript.

We sincerely suggest to authors, before you withdraw a paper, please consider that editor and reviewers have likely already invested significant (and often unpaid) time reviewing your manuscript. The further along in the paper's peer-review process, the greater the ethical concern with withdrawing a manuscript, given that a considerable amount of time has been spent on the paper by reviewers, editors, and editorial assistants.

Please let us know before withdrawing if there is anything we can do to avoid the withdrawal. We are happy to work with authors to remove any perceived barriers to publishing.

To avoid withdrawal of a manuscript we sincerely request the authors especially the corresponding author or the first author to address the following issues before submitting the manuscript.

Avoid submission in more than one journal: If you have already created a duplicate submission, please withdraw your paper from the other journal immediately and only submit it after receiving confirmation that your withdrawal request has been successfully processed.

Originality of works: Check multiple times that the facts and data presented in the manuscripts are accurate and error-free and confirm that the facts and data included in the manuscript are the authors’ own work; authors are permitted by departmental and/or institutional policy to use the materials and resources as they have been used in the study; and if data and facts from any other person or sources are used, appropriate written permissions have been obtained.

Accuracy of facts and figures: Ensure presentation and interpretation of the facts and data given in the manuscript are correct. In case of any differences of opinion, address the concerns of all the authors before submitting the manuscript for publication.

Name of authors: Decide name of authors, the order of authors and authorship contributions of a paper before submitting the manuscript.

Agreed on with the submitting journal: Before submitting the manuscript for publication, inform all the authors, the name of the journal to which the manuscript is being submitted and give them a copy of the final manuscript 

Submission to single journal: Submit the manuscript to only one journal for consideration of publication. Do not simultaneously submit the manuscript to more than one journal.

Manuscript withdrawal before publication

The authors can request withdrawal of their manuscript from submission to publication; however, it is not advised unless it is obligatory

1.1 Withdrawal manuscript before acceptance: Prior to the acceptance of the paper, authors can withdraw the manuscript submitting genuine reasons of withdrawal.

1.2 Pre-publication withdrawal: Withdrawal is accepted only under compelling or unavoidable conditions existed or any arise of conflicts from co-authors. Publisher has right to withdraw, if an article is imposed to violate the ethical codes specially by multiple submissions, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data without consent of original author, bogus claims of authorship.

In both cases, editorial office accepts a formal signed letter from all the authors explaining the reason for withdrawal. Request must be sent via official email of journal. Author(s), and (if more than one author, all authors) need to sign on request letter send mail by corresponding author to the editorial mailing address of the journal.

Post Publication withdrawal

NJISS believes in protecting and retaining the articles with highest quality and expect authors to follow and abide with the publication ethics from the period of submission to final publication.

The authors associating with NJISS should be aware with below policies:

2.1 Article Retraction: Retraction of the article involves in a post publication step, withdrawn is considered if there are any legal disputes or any copyright infringements involving a particular manuscript. The original article will be removed from online but the PDF link will be displayed with a note as retracted. Withdrawal after publication ruins massive efforts made in processing the manuscripts by our editorial staff, so the payment made for publication shall not be refund for the withdrawn manuscript at this stage.

2.2 Article Removal: Removal of article from online database when subjected to legal limitations with publisher, copyright holder or author. Mainly recognition of inaccurate data representation, violating legal rights, scientific data tampering, health risks are posed if the article remains published.

2.3 Article Replacement: Authors if believe the article is flawed and may pose a health risk may retract the original one and replace it with a new version. In this case, the article retraction process will be followed and the retraction note will contain the new link of the new article.